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Subject: RESCHEDULE: Leadership Meeting - New Proposed Date 10/7/2015 
Date: 09/24/2015 10:28 AM 



On behalf of Lisa Trifiletti 

Good morning! 

Due to the majority of members unable to make the September 30, 2015 
leadership meeting, this meeting will be rescheduled. 

Our intent in meeting with the group is to provide you with an update of 
the Landside Access Modernization Program environmental process. The 
information is important enough to re- schedule the meeting until the 
majority of the group is available, therefore I'm proposing a new 
meeting date of Wednesday, October 7, 2015. A doodle poll will be sent 
to you shortly, polling you of your availability and the best time to 
meet. I apologize for the cancellation, and for any inconvenience 
caused to your schedules. 

For now, stay tuned as we work out a new meeting date. Thank you. 


Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 9:12 AM 


Subject: Leadership Meeting - Wednesday, September 30, 2015 

On behalf of Lisa Trifiletti 

Hello all! 

I hope you are having a great summer! It's that time again and we want 
to send this email out early so that everyone could save the date for 
our next Leadership Lunch on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 from 10:30am 
- 12:30pm at the Council District 11 Field Office in Westchester (7166 W 
Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045) . 

We were hoping to use this time together to provide a brief update on 
the LAX Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP) and other projects. 

We hope everyone is having a great summer and look forward to having 
lunch together after Labor Day weekend! 

Thank you ! ! 

Lisa Trifiletti